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Multiple myeloma (with English subtitles)

Multiple myeloma is a malignant tumour disease of the bone marrow in which the plasma cells have degenerated. Unlike other cancers, such as breast or skin cancer, with multiple myeloma there is therefore no tumour that the patient can feel or even see. So it is sometimes hard to understand exactly what lies behind the disease. This video explains how multiple myeloma develops in the body, exactly what happens and the effects of multiple myeloma on the metabolism.

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The diagnosis of multiple myeloma (with English subtitles)

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow in which the plasma cells have degenerated. The symptoms of multiple myeloma can vary considerably. It is therefore important that the doctor carries out various investigations, in order to have a possible suspicion confirmed by the diagnosis and to determine the exact stage of the disease. This video explains which investigations the doctor will carry out in order to confirm the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. In addition, you will learn which criteria are used to determine the stage of the disease. This is an important requirement for being able to predict the further course of the disease and decide which treatment is necessary.

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The treatment of multiple myeloma (with English subtitles)

Once the diagnosis of multiple myeloma has been made, both the patient and his/her relatives are faced by a lot of questions. One very important question is which treatment might be the right one. The choice of therapy is tailored to the individual patient. Each treatment method aims at halting disease progression, or at least slowing it down, and improving the symptoms. This video outlines at which point treatment becomes necessary and the various approaches available today.

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